The girls "helped" me plant some flowers today in some of my pots. Katelyn was a great big help until she got distracted by a little Rollie Pollie that she found. My back was turned to Madelyn as I was working on a 2nd pot. I asked her to bring me those flowers that were on the ground by that other pot. She did, or so I thought. After each flower that she brought me I would say, "Good girl Maddie, thank you!"
When that particular pot was finished I turned around to see if there were any more flowers left in their crates that I could use elsewhere. What I saw made me take a deep breath, I sighed, and then I laughed. Maddie had given me the flowers from the other pot. So, I went back over to that pot and planted the flowers that were still in their crates on the ground! Those were the ones she was supposed to bring me (SMH!) lol!
In the meantime, Katelyn has found a leaf (a home) for her new pet rollie pollie that she named Jessie. Then, Madelyn decides that she wants a rollie pollie. (Of course!) So Katelyn helps her look for one in the front and back flower beds. They never did find one for Maddie.
It started to get dark so we went inside. Jessie had to come too.
Maddie comes up to me and says, "Mommy, I don't have a pollie! I want a pollie! Can you make me one?" LOL!
I love how kids think their Mama's can do/make anything! It's a blessing and a curse. ha! She didn't like my response when I told her, "Baby, Mama's can't make pollie's; they are insects."
Later, it was all okay b'c Katelyn lost Jessie somewhere in the house. So, Maddie didn't care to have one anymore! Go figure! ;)
Ahh, my girls crack me up.
Monday, March 12, 2012
I didn't sing b'c I couldn't find a key!
Ha! This made me laugh, really hard! My family cracks me up!
Let me first share this:
My Mamaw calls me and leaves 2 different messages on my cellphone. They were 2 minutes apart and one message lasted 20 seconds while the other lasted 14 seconds. Each message was basically the same, wishing me Happy Birthday! However, she didn't think the 1st one went through, so she left the exact same message the 2nd time. The 1st time it sounded as if she thought I answered the phone and was talking away. She then realized I had not answered and hung up. It was funny!
Later that day, I saw my stepmom on facebook and asked her to have my Dad call our house phone. He called and wished me a Happy Birthday! We talked for a bit and he asked me if I had gotten his voicemail yet. I told him, "No, not yet, but I will listen to it in a little bit."
He says to me, "Well I didn't sing along, b'c I couldn't kind a key!"
I was like, Huh?! He sounded like he really felt bad about not singing along. LOL! My Dad can be quite the comedian! I figured he was referring to the voicemail, but I was still kinda confused. (My Dad can play the piano and sing) So, he went on to say, "A bunch of us (my aunts, uncles, cousins) were out at Mamaw's and when I called to wish you Happy Birthday everyone decided to sing Happy Birthday to you." I immediately laughed out loud and put it all together in my head. We got off the phone shortly after. I immediately got my phone and listened to the voicemail." It was so sweet and thoughtful! It was also an interesting rendition/melody of Happy Birthday! I could hear my Dad in the background. He tried to follow the first initial note, but that changed so much that he just stopped singing! Afterwards I could hear him doing his famous "ah, ha!" laugh. He ended it with, "well, that was that!" "I love you Bop, Happy Birthday!" LOL! I laughed so hard!!!
Fast Forward about 2 hours. Michael, Keith, Kim Burger and I were laying around watching movies. My Mom and Heather stopped by. They surprised me with Bday cards, a cookie cake and creme puffs! It was so sweet and thoughtful! My Mom came walking in with a candelit cookie cake. Everyone starts singing, "Happy Birthday." My mom started to sing along then stopped. I was giggly at this point b'c I caught on as to why she stopped. Afterwards, she said...."well I was gonna sing but I couldn't find the key they were in!" ROFL!!! She had no idea that my Dad just said the same thing earlier on the phone. My Mom also sings and plays the piano, as well. It's funny to me how some musically talented people can be sooo serious!!! In this case it was, "Happy Birthday." Really?! Lol..It isn't meant to sound perfect when a big group of family and friends sing it!" LOL That's what makes it fun/funny! I'm a musical person too, but when everytime I sing it I try to sound off key, and as terrible as possible-on purpose! LOL!
Anyways, Mom wanted to know what was so funny. I proceeded to tell her about what Dad said earlier. I then let her listen to the voicemail. Her and Heather laughed. Ahhh, that made my day! I think Mom and I laughed more about it than anyone else.
I would say that "you would've had to been there"..but even those that were there didn't quite "get it." That's usually what I say, "I don't get it" but, I got this did my mom and we were rolling! hahhahah!
Anyways, I thought it was so funny that I had to share!!
Thank you everyone for all the facebook messages, texts, and voicemails on my birthday!!! :)
I know! Let's all sing along together as I end this blog...."Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Michele, Happy Birthday to you!" Hahahahah! :P
and many more..........
Let me first share this:
My Mamaw calls me and leaves 2 different messages on my cellphone. They were 2 minutes apart and one message lasted 20 seconds while the other lasted 14 seconds. Each message was basically the same, wishing me Happy Birthday! However, she didn't think the 1st one went through, so she left the exact same message the 2nd time. The 1st time it sounded as if she thought I answered the phone and was talking away. She then realized I had not answered and hung up. It was funny!
Later that day, I saw my stepmom on facebook and asked her to have my Dad call our house phone. He called and wished me a Happy Birthday! We talked for a bit and he asked me if I had gotten his voicemail yet. I told him, "No, not yet, but I will listen to it in a little bit."
He says to me, "Well I didn't sing along, b'c I couldn't kind a key!"
I was like, Huh?! He sounded like he really felt bad about not singing along. LOL! My Dad can be quite the comedian! I figured he was referring to the voicemail, but I was still kinda confused. (My Dad can play the piano and sing) So, he went on to say, "A bunch of us (my aunts, uncles, cousins) were out at Mamaw's and when I called to wish you Happy Birthday everyone decided to sing Happy Birthday to you." I immediately laughed out loud and put it all together in my head. We got off the phone shortly after. I immediately got my phone and listened to the voicemail." It was so sweet and thoughtful! It was also an interesting rendition/melody of Happy Birthday! I could hear my Dad in the background. He tried to follow the first initial note, but that changed so much that he just stopped singing! Afterwards I could hear him doing his famous "ah, ha!" laugh. He ended it with, "well, that was that!" "I love you Bop, Happy Birthday!" LOL! I laughed so hard!!!
Fast Forward about 2 hours. Michael, Keith, Kim Burger and I were laying around watching movies. My Mom and Heather stopped by. They surprised me with Bday cards, a cookie cake and creme puffs! It was so sweet and thoughtful! My Mom came walking in with a candelit cookie cake. Everyone starts singing, "Happy Birthday." My mom started to sing along then stopped. I was giggly at this point b'c I caught on as to why she stopped. Afterwards, she said...."well I was gonna sing but I couldn't find the key they were in!" ROFL!!! She had no idea that my Dad just said the same thing earlier on the phone. My Mom also sings and plays the piano, as well. It's funny to me how some musically talented people can be sooo serious!!! In this case it was, "Happy Birthday." Really?! Lol..It isn't meant to sound perfect when a big group of family and friends sing it!" LOL That's what makes it fun/funny! I'm a musical person too, but when everytime I sing it I try to sound off key, and as terrible as possible-on purpose! LOL!
Anyways, Mom wanted to know what was so funny. I proceeded to tell her about what Dad said earlier. I then let her listen to the voicemail. Her and Heather laughed. Ahhh, that made my day! I think Mom and I laughed more about it than anyone else.
I would say that "you would've had to been there"..but even those that were there didn't quite "get it." That's usually what I say, "I don't get it" but, I got this did my mom and we were rolling! hahhahah!
Anyways, I thought it was so funny that I had to share!!
Thank you everyone for all the facebook messages, texts, and voicemails on my birthday!!! :)
I know! Let's all sing along together as I end this blog...."Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Michele, Happy Birthday to you!" Hahahahah! :P
and many more..........
Rolling into our 30's
Michael and I have shared quite a few birthdays throughout our relationship! We were born 3 days apart and even though I am only 3 days older, he enjoys rubbing it if 3 days is a whole lot! ;) I guess it is when it comes to your "30th" :P
Our daughter, Katelyn, over the past couple of weeks has been telling everyone that I'm already 30. I kept telling her over and over that I was still 29, of course up until this day! She was convinced. I wonder who put that in her head!? Thanks babe!
So, we celebrated our birthdays together Saturday night. We went to Zio's and after dinner we went roller skating!! That was a lot of fun! We haven't been roller skating since our Youth Pastoring days. A big "thank you!" to everyone that braved it out with us!! You guys are good sports! Michael and I both did better than we thought! He fell once and I didn't fall at all. That equals success for me! ;)
They had these cute little skate walkers for the kiddos! Katelyn enjoyed it so much! Maddie's feet weren't big enough to wear the skates, so she hung out with her Nana. They ate candy and I'm pretty sure mom gave her some soda pop. Maddie enjoyed watching us in between her dance jams.
Many of you know that I am a picture fanatic! I intended on taking a lot of pictures, so I brought two cameras with me. However, I forgot my memory card at home! ;(
Awesome, I know! SO....several of us pulled out our cellphones....
Here are some pictures that my sister took for me:

Our daughter, Katelyn, over the past couple of weeks has been telling everyone that I'm already 30. I kept telling her over and over that I was still 29, of course up until this day! She was convinced. I wonder who put that in her head!? Thanks babe!
So, we celebrated our birthdays together Saturday night. We went to Zio's and after dinner we went roller skating!! That was a lot of fun! We haven't been roller skating since our Youth Pastoring days. A big "thank you!" to everyone that braved it out with us!! You guys are good sports! Michael and I both did better than we thought! He fell once and I didn't fall at all. That equals success for me! ;)
They had these cute little skate walkers for the kiddos! Katelyn enjoyed it so much! Maddie's feet weren't big enough to wear the skates, so she hung out with her Nana. They ate candy and I'm pretty sure mom gave her some soda pop. Maddie enjoyed watching us in between her dance jams.
Many of you know that I am a picture fanatic! I intended on taking a lot of pictures, so I brought two cameras with me. However, I forgot my memory card at home! ;(
Awesome, I know! SO....several of us pulled out our cellphones....
Here are some pictures that my sister took for me:

My sweet, dear friend Sara made this yummy cake for us!! She also made some awesome cupcakes that were devoured before we were able to snap a picture of them!
Above: A picture of us all photo-shopped and my forehead (or as I would say as a kid, my fivehead) looks white and my cheeks look red/brown so I look kinda funny.
It's still a good pic-Heather you did a good job!
My amazingly awesome sister-n-law, Kim, hosted an "All about Michael/Michele game."
It was funny and not as embarrassing as I thought it would be!
Thanks Kim!! We love you!!
Above: Tricia snapped this phote while we were skating!
So glad that we survived skating! Ha! We felt like kids again! Well maybe not physically, but we did so in spirit! I was surprised of how fast it all came back to me. I didn't have any trouble really, except for the stopping part....I couldn't figure that out with the skates I had on. It resulted in me stopping myself by running into the wall-on purpose, of course! ;)
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Day 3 Aquarium
The Aquarium is also at GMM!
I actually enjoyed this more than Legoland!
Above: you can see the fish all swimming in one direction. Over to the left (not pictured) there was a small group of fish trying to fight the tide and go the other direction. Their leader was out in front making his way against the tide. Only a few were able to keep up. We stood there and watched them for a while. It was interesting. Some of the fish gave up while others were trying their best to keep up...
Sweet girls!
Inside the shark tunnel! Eekk!!
Did you know that sharks can reproduce and replace their own teeth. Some up to and over 6000 per year! Wow! If they loose a tooth from the front row another tooth pushes in from the back row to replace it while their body grows another tooth!
Me with my girls! Maddie looks so interested!
Below: I snapped this photo too soon and missed it when the turtle got directly beside her!
Kate and the fish!
Silly girl!
Maddie and the fish!
She kept looking for the turtle!
Maddie and the Sting Ray! She has no idea that it got that close to her! lol...She freaked out a little bit when she saw it.
Finding Nemo....can ya see him?
A Seahorse- Did you know the males carry the babies until they are able to fend for themselves!?
Looks like we're under the ocean! Cool beans!
Petting a star fish! Maddie wasn't really interested in touching it!
We had such a good time learning about different sealife! There were so many colorful fish! It made me wanna go watch Nemo or go pick up a Nemo! :P
The lion fish were beautiful, but are very poisionous!
At the end of the tour we watched a video about an American turtle who got lost and ended up in European waters. The turtle was rescued, nursed back to health and was flown back to the United States to be released into the ocean again! It was a sweet story!
I would definately recommend the Aquarium if you visit Grapevine! :)
This was our next to the last stop before we headed home. Afterwards we went to Ikea. I heard so much about that I wanted to experience it for myself! I loved it! We did things a little backwards, but oh well! Here's a bit of advice- walk thru the showroom first! Write down what you like, then go downstairs and do your shopping! :) It will save time and confusion!
This was a nice mini-vacation! I'm looking forward to going to San Destin, Fl with family on Spring Break!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Day 2 Legoland!!
After getting a family picture in front of the Lego castle we were a given a brief demonstration of how lego's are made! Katelyn volunteered to help out!
Shortly after we rode a ride. It reminded me of the Toy Story ride at Disneyworld! We really loved that ride. This was pretty cool even though it was a miniture version!
After the ride we exited into a large play room full of legos, games and a cafe!! Katelyn enjoyed the playground while Maddie made herself at home in the lego-pit!
Notice the animals...and her cute little smile! :0)
She made it her mission to find ALL of the animals in the pit and line them up in a row....
Like this:
In the meantime I snapped a picture of Kate with the lego giraffe.
Maddie has been at this for awhile....she's enjoying herself and along comes this little fella...aka
" the destroyer." As you can see she wasn't too happy with him.
As I watched this take place I was reminded of how my cousins (achemm...Tip-top and 2 fi-fu) would do things like this to us girls....just to be mean!
She yelled at him and thought he had stopped. Nope, he didn't...he decided to go on the other side and knock those animals off the ledge too. In the meantime Maddie was trying to fix the side that he just messed up, not knowing he made his way to the other end.
As I witnessed this I couldn't help but laugh....yet, I was also hoping she wouldn't get up and hit him-although he deserved it! lol
Here is where I wish my camera was on the continous shooting setting because I missed some really good facial expressions!
I did capture this - Maddie realizing that "the destroyer" just knocked all of it down. She said, "Ah, where did my aminals go?" Then called him a "stupid boy!" lol!
To my relief she didn't hit him! I wonder where his mom and dad were?! She may have been able to get away with it! haha!
It was so funny! It actually ended up being a blessing....we were finally able to leave the lego pit and do another activity....
Such as, build a princess lego castle!
There was also another ride inside Legoland that Michael and Kate rode.
This was a really neat place! It's right inside Grapevine Mills Mall!
After we left Legoland, we did some shopping!!!
Kate as a human gerbil! :)
This was so neat and so funny to watch!! She almost stood all the way up!
Day 1 Great Wolf Lodge!
(hotel lobby)
February 2011-This was our 1st time to visit The Great Wolf Lodge! This place is huge. It has 2 big restaurants and several snack/eating places on the waterpark floor. Everything you need is right there at the hotel. Gift shops, games, eating, spas, cub club, build a bear, an arcade, and so much more! We only stayed one night because the entire weekend was booked. There were several things we weren't able to do while we were there, so I definately recommend staying at least 2 nights.
Note: if you go with your family/kids please take my advice- pay the extra $40 or so to do the wand game/ kids package that they offer....(big sigh.)
Kate complained about not having a wand the entire time. "I want a wand, Mom! It's not fair! Why do they have one and I don't?!" Oh my word, she's just so mistreated. Ugh. Upsets me thinking about it all over again..can ya tell?! Haha! She saw other kids with the wands and thought she "needed" to have one too. She never said she wanted to play the game.....?! The wands were $30 bucks alone. Call me cheap, but no thanks!
Kate complained about not having a wand the entire time. "I want a wand, Mom! It's not fair! Why do they have one and I don't?!" Oh my word, she's just so mistreated. Ugh. Upsets me thinking about it all over again..can ya tell?! Haha! She saw other kids with the wands and thought she "needed" to have one too. She never said she wanted to play the game.....?! The wands were $30 bucks alone. Call me cheap, but no thanks!
If you decide to not purchase the kids package then for the love of your sanity.... go to the dollar store, buy a wand (one per child) and bring it with you! You can tell them it's their own "special wand." Talk it up and then have them play the game behind the other kids. When the wand sound goes off they'll think it was from their wand....when really it's not! lol!
Ahhh, I'm somewhat kidding, but it is brilliant! ;)
Ahhh, I'm somewhat kidding, but it is brilliant! ;)
Really, though. I almost caved in and paid the $30 just to get her to hush up about the stupid wand.
Above: the girls coloring in the lobby!
The girls were so excited about getting to swim! Maddie is cheesin it up! She was super excited!
outside the ice cream store
Here's just a few of the swimming pictures:
Kate and Daddy shooting us with water on the jet ski's
Kate going down a slide! Yippeeeeeee.....
So fun!!!
Kate and I went down one of the big slides (below). We were in a big inner tube with 3 other people! She loved it. We screamed the whole time!
Playing Deal or no Deal in the Arcade!
We won 101 tickets on this game! woo-who!
24 hrs just wasn't long enough.....Thanks Great Wolf for a fun time! :D
The girls with their new stuffed animlas in tow. We're ready to go to Grapevine Mills Mall to eat at the Rainforest Cafe!
Coming up......Day 2
Thursday, March 1, 2012
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength! :)
This thought has been running through my mind all I felt like maybe I needed to share it.
Whatever has come your way that the devil meant to destroy you with is only going to make you stronger. Our response is key! Put satan under your feet and declare the Glory of the Lord!
As I was in the kitchen making taco salad...I started singing this melody of songs. It took me back to children's church/kidz jam days...
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength
If the devil doesn't like it, he can sit on tack...what?
Sit on a tack, what? (that's right devil) Sit on a tack...
If the devil doesn't like it, he can sit on tack, sit on a tack to stay!
I've got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart
Down in my heart
down in my heart...
And I'm so happy, so very happy! I've got the love of Jesus in my heart, down in my heart....
By this point, you may be joining in with me! :)
Keep on singing it! Sing it until the joy comes!
I'm singing with ya, as I enjoy this yummy taco salad!
Wow, as I write this...I'm reminded of the scripture in the bible that talks about changing and becoming as children. (Matt 18:3)
Children are pliable and teachable. When we become like children again that is when He can write and re-write on our hearts and renew our minds!
Whatever has come your way that the devil meant to destroy you with is only going to make you stronger. Our response is key! Put satan under your feet and declare the Glory of the Lord!
As I was in the kitchen making taco salad...I started singing this melody of songs. It took me back to children's church/kidz jam days...
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength
If the devil doesn't like it, he can sit on tack...what?
Sit on a tack, what? (that's right devil) Sit on a tack...
If the devil doesn't like it, he can sit on tack, sit on a tack to stay!
I've got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart
Down in my heart
down in my heart...
And I'm so happy, so very happy! I've got the love of Jesus in my heart, down in my heart....
By this point, you may be joining in with me! :)
Keep on singing it! Sing it until the joy comes!
I'm singing with ya, as I enjoy this yummy taco salad!
Wow, as I write this...I'm reminded of the scripture in the bible that talks about changing and becoming as children. (Matt 18:3)
Children are pliable and teachable. When we become like children again that is when He can write and re-write on our hearts and renew our minds!
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